Upodated as of May 2024
The metaphysical services provided through Phases Therapy, Inc. are for entertainment purposes only. It isnot psychotherapy or licensed medical/mental health advice or treatment. This is self-pay only.
- Your metaphysical provider is not a licenced medical/mental health provider.
- Your metaphysical provider can work with our clinicians to coordinate support and care in order toenhance and complement your journey.
- Your metaphysical provider will ensure all the same steps are being followed in order to protect yourprivacy (HIPAA) the same as all of our licensed therapists.
- These services are self-pay only and 50% of the session fee is due at booking. The second half is due at thestart of your session.
- Notes on your metaphysical session will be kept on file and adhere to HIPAA standards, but designatedseparately from clinical notes.
- If I cancel my session under 24 hours before my appointment or no show, I will be subject to ourcancelation fee of the remainder of the session fee cost. Three late cancellations/no shows are subject totermination of services.
- I agree to have a viable credit card on file, along with my demographic information before the start of mysession.
- The frequency and type of sessions will be decided between my Metaphysical Provider and me.
- I understand that the purpose of this/these session(s) will be explained to me and be subject to this consent and documented agreement.
- I understand that there is an expectation that I will benefit from Metaphysical Services, but there is noguarantee that this will occur.
- I understand that the Metaphysical Provider is not a medically licensed professional and does notdiagnose, treat or prescribe for any condition. Phases Therapy, Inc. can provide recommendations and/orsupport if needed/applicable.
- I understand that maximum benefit will occur with consistent attendance, as agreed to, and that, at times, Imay feel conflicted about my metaphysical experience, as the process can sometimes cause emotionaldiscomfort.
- If this metaphysical hypnotherapy is for weight loss, I have/will check with my physician to be sure that aweight loss program is safe for me.
- I understand that it is my responsibility to seek medical care from a licensed physician for any physical illness or ailment.
Research has found that memories uncovered during hypnosis, or other forms of induced altered state, maynot be factual or accurate. Memory is a constructive reconstructive process. What is remembered about anevent is shaped by what was observed, by conditions prevailing during attempts to remember, and byevents occurring between observation and the attempted remembering. Memories can be altered, deletedand created by events that occur during and after the time of encoding, during the period of memorystorage, and during attempts at retrieval. Memories that occur either spontaneously or following the use ofspecial procedures in hypnotherapy or therapy may be accurate, inaccurate, fabricated, or a combination ofthese. This suggests that any memory uncovered during a hypnosis session be considered as a possibleconstruct of mental process, and not necessarily an actual event. Therefore, in the event that during thecourse of hypnotherapy and other memory focused metaphysical work, memories should surface that maybe considered grounds for future litigation, you may lose your legal right to use this information in a courtof law, as it would not be admissible.
If it should occur that certain types of memories begin to surface during a session with your MetaphysicalProvider, the session will be discussed so that you may decide whether or not to proceed further withhypnosis, based on your understanding and careful consideration of the above information. Consultationwith your clinician may also occur and be considered.
I have read, fully understand and consent to these metaphysical services provided and release PhasesTherapy, Inc. and it’s providers (metaphysical and clinical) from any liability and recognize that theseservices are for entertainment purposes only.